About Us
Center for Leadership Development (CLD) is a form of Theological Education by Extension or bringing a Bible School type curriculum to local churches throughout Thailand. CLD began with a vision to develop leaders in Thai churches. We emphasize training lay leaders to serve and to continue to train future leaders in their local church.
The CLD process of leadership development is beneficial for local churches to develop a team of leaders who can serve together with the pastor. We provide theological and biblical materials for the students while emphasizing practical ministry in the local church. We emphasize the development of new leadership from within the local church because we recognize the lack of pastors, lay leaders, and programs to develop leaders in the local church. Most churches in Thailand do not have a plan to develop lay leaders beyond evangelism and new believer discipleship. By studying this program the new leaders will gain the necessary biblical and theological knowledge together with practical ministry skills that will enable them to be involved in such ministries as: shepherd care, teaching, discipleship, preaching, small group leadership, church planting, evangelism, etc.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.